
She has a B.A. from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and an M.Div. from Pacific School of Religion where she was a North American Ministerial Fellow.

Courses Taught

Duffy Community Parnerships, Soc. 285

Practical Approaches to Social Problems, Soc. 150

Engaging the World of Work, IDST 210

Doing the Right Thing Well: Experiments in Ethical and Effective Leadership, IDST 315

Research Interests

Community-Based Learning

Social problems, community organization and development


“More than community-based learning: Practicing the Liberal Arts”,  with C. Westerberg, in Liberal Learning and the Art of Self-Governance, ed. E. Chamlee-Wright, 2015

“Pivot Points: Direct Measures of the Content and Process of Community-Based Learnining”, with C. Westerberg, M. Cress, K. Jones, Teaching Sociology, 2015

“Internships Have Value, Whether or Not Students are Paid”, with C. Westerberg, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2011

Carol Wickersham

Associate Professor of Sociology

 Pronouns: She/her/hers  Email:  Phone: (608) 363-2023  Office: Third Floor Campbell Hall

Carol Wickersham is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Sociology. Her scholarship and pedagogy focus on the mechanisms and outcomes of applied community-based learning, with communities serving as the primary texts. 


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